Anonymous ID: 95ccce June 19, 2018, 1:44 p.m. No.1817884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7919 >>7929 >>8023 >>8225

Ummm… guys. Not a clown. Don’t post here much, mainly lurk.

I know you all will flame the shit out of this post, because I have the audacity to have a healthy dose of skepticism… I admire Q team and find their posts fascinating, but I’m not a sycophant.

Anyway, have any of you read the materials available about which countries do not have a Rothschild central bank?

Sauce wise… do a search. I admit I can’t find a truly authoritative source on the issue, but the overarching theme is similar everywhere you look. It goes something like this:

As of 2000, there were 7 (besides tiny states like Micronesia) countries that didn’t have a Rothschild central bank:



North Korea





  1. 911 (clearly a Mossad/CIA plot) was used as the impetus to replace the regimes in Afghanistan and Iraq with brute force. Low and behold… they now have Rothschild central banks.

Ron Paul did a nice speech about the topic in 2006:


  1. The Arab Spring may have started in Egypt, but funnily enough the Obama Admin/Clinton Dept of State used the chaos as cover to topple Qaddafi in Libya – Clinton and Obama helped the rebels set up a new central bank before Qaddafi’s corpse was even cold. By the by – little known fact: Qaddafi announced that he was going to issue gold currency – Libya was bailing on fiat and going full commodity backed. Months later, his corpse was being dragged through the streets.

  2. Remember when Obama tried to open up relations with Cuba? Was he maybe trying to do something similar to Trump in N Korea? “Wonderful country you have there. You know… trade between us would be easier if you had a shiny new central bank.” Didn’t go far at the time – I don’t think they expected the level of pushback from the US based Cubano population. Still very much on the table though.

  3. 2017/18: Trump is clearly being goaded into helping topple Assad in Syria. He does a juke move and slips out of it. (((They))) are beside themselves with rage for a minute, then settle down. My hope: Trump has no interest in toppling Assad. My fear: Trump is waiting to deal with Syria until after we take out their big brother… Iran.

  4. 2018 (2017 if we’re right and the deal was struck in November): Trump makes huge strides in normalizing relations with N. Korea. Time will tell, but I’ll be pleasantly surprised if the new arrangements DON’T include another fucking Rothschild Central Bank.

  5. Now: Q is literally saying “Regime change” in Iran… Fight Fight Fight. This made my heart sink when I read it this morning. Starting me down the thought path that lead to this post. I’m nervous.

I know I know… “Concern Troll”, right? I’m not a concern troll (which is exactly what a concern troll would say). Fuck man, look… I’m an average Joe with “above average intelligence”, and I’m suddenly feeling very uneasy. I guess I’m hoping some of you can talk me out of my anxiety. Something more substantial than “Trust the plan”. I’d love to know the details of the fucking plan, by the way!

Filter if you want. I won’t say much anyway unless some rational folks want to talk about the issue, you know, rationally.

Almost forgot. Decent article on the issue from ZeroHedge: