Anonymous ID: 8b4edc Jan. 20, 2023, 6:03 a.m. No.18180526   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>SOMETHING happened to scatter us to the four winds and blend and homogenize us…

>We were one a GREAT CIVILIZATION that was defeated, subjugated, and enslaved.

Anonymous ID: 8b4edc Jan. 20, 2023, 6:19 a.m. No.18180577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0608


The so-called ring exchange is not an exchange but the plundering of Germany by the crooked-nosed pack!

Germany supplies weapons and money what of course the German taxpayer has to finance, back comes with this exchange nothing! Therefore the gas costs the 4-fold, the river the double likewise the food!

The whole West, all countries are ruled by kikes, traitors and invaders!

This is a war against Germany, which means against the West, because without Germany Europe is lost!

The goal of the kikes is the extermination of the white nations ww!

Anonymous ID: 8b4edc Jan. 20, 2023, 6:24 a.m. No.18180608   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>the river the double likewise the food!

OOps, keck the electricity double, just like food.


Fuck the hooknosed mongrels from deepl!

The crooked-nosed bastards changed some things when they realized I was using deepl, so you can't do much with the translator anymore!

Every single time, filthy hooknosed mongrels!

Death to all of these hooknosed fucks!!!

Anonymous ID: 8b4edc Jan. 20, 2023, 6:36 a.m. No.18180674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0732


>>Principals > Money

>>Ethics > Money

>>It's not about the money…


So ist er (der JUD)


So ist er der Jud' Jud',

so kennt man den Jud' Jud',

das haben wir schon oft geseh'n.

So'n Schuft wie den Jud' Jud'.


Ehrliche Arbeit, die kennt er nicht,

er missbraucht die ganze Welt

und er will nur das eine

und das ist unser Geld.

Er sitzt in der Wallstreet,

das Kapital in der Hand

und die Palästinenser

schmeißt er aus ihrem Land.


So ist er der Jud' Jud',

so kennt man den Jud' Jud',

das haben wir schon oft geseh'n.

So'n Schuft wie den Jud' Jud'.


Ihm gehört ganz Hollywood

und schöne Filme macht er auch,

dabei hetzt er gegen Deutschland,

das ist beim Jud' so Brauch.

Schindlers Liste war sein Meisterstück,

so soll das Deutschland sein,

jeder Deutsche ein Verbrecher

oder ein Nazischwein.


So ist er der Jud' Jud',

so kennt man den Jud' Jud',

das haben wir schon oft geseh'n.

So'n Schuft wie den Jud' Jud'.


Und der saubere Herr Bubis,

auch er kann was dafür.

Du krimineller Kaffeeschieber,

feg vor der eigenen Tür.


So ist er der Jud' Jud',

so kennt man den Jud' Jud',

das haben wir schon oft geseh'n.

So'n Schuft wie den Jud' Jud'.


So ist er der Jud' Jud',

so kennt man den Jud' Jud',

das haben wir schon oft geseh'n.

So'n Schuft wie den Jud' Jud'…

Anonymous ID: 8b4edc Jan. 20, 2023, 6:48 a.m. No.18180732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0776


sry anons, missed the translation. Keck


That's how he is the Jud' Jud',

That's how we know the Jew,

We've seen it many times before.

Such a scoundrel as the Jud' Jud'.


Honest work, he doesn't know

He abuses the whole world

and he only wants one thing

and that is our money.


He sits in Wallstreet

with the capital in his hands

and the Palestinians

he kicks them out of their country.


That's the Jud' Jud',

That's how we know the Jew,

We've seen it many times before.

Such a scoundrel as the Jud' Jud'.


He owns all of Hollywood

and he makes beautiful films, too,

and yet he's agitating against Germany,

that's the Jew's custom.


Schindler's List was his masterpiece,

That's how Germany should be,

every German a criminal

or a Nazi pig.


That's the Jud' Jud',

that's how we know the Jud' Jud',

we've seen that many times before.

Such a scoundrel as the Jud' Jud'.


And the clean Mr. Bubis,

he's to blame, too.

You criminal coffee pusher,

sweep in front of your own door.


That's the Jud' Jud',

That's how we know the Jew,

We've seen it many times before.

Such a scoundrel as the Jud' Jud'.


That's the Jud' Jud'

That's how we know a Jew

That's what we've often seen.

Such a scoundrel as the Jud' Jud'…

Anonymous ID: 8b4edc Jan. 20, 2023, 6:57 a.m. No.18180776   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>And the clean Mr. Bubis,

>he's to blame, too.

>You criminal coffee pusher,

>sweep in front of your own door.


Have searched on google for the Mr. Bubis because I had his picture no longer in mind, look what I found. A picture story.