Anonymous ID: 9794c5 June 19, 2018, 2:55 p.m. No.1819129   🗄️.is đź”—kun



The story goes John Trump, Donald Trumps uncle, whom was good friends with Tesla, also had his hands and eyes on all his stuff before the “powers that be” got involved. Franklin Delano Roosevelt ordered Tesla stuff to be researched and destroyed he was very paranoid about time travel existing. So the claims are the Dons uncle had these inventions, whom Donald inherited.


Do not bother with any links to John Titor, they are false. Titor was made out as a fraud very well documented.


Now when you’re done rolling your eyes, search Chicago trump tower lighting strike 2016, see the time and day the strike happened and the building.


Annoyingly just enough to give interest but not enough out there to dig on. So I gave up the theory, personally.


But apparently I’m wrong, because we’re here, as it’s told. So I dunno. Lol. Someone is wrong.