Anonymous ID: 575f1b June 19, 2018, 3:17 p.m. No.1819432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9472 >>9518 >>9577 >>9589 >>9650 >>9908


actually no, I was here and had a post confirmed by Q long before I learned of the cult stuff. I'm the titanic one - and I created a fan website and was friends with one of the two spreadsheet anon's- so basically the good guys flipped my cultist family 2 years ago I think - and that explains why suddenly my life was a lot less frustrating.. but anyway, during that time I just had my computer and the internet and never considered that my family was as evil as it turned out to be - but I eventually looked under the right rocks



I remember you, and yes I also got the feeling based on what you said that you might have been a cult victim of the filming. I only met 20 victims and none of them knew they were victims until I had to break the knows. I can neither confirm or deny you as a victim of it but it's not outside the realm of possibility.



yes that's my new one



That's the official one but Q was talking through a proxy to relay the message leading up to that which I've been looking for on the archives for a while now. I'll find it eventualy as further proof - tho I have a lot of proof it's more important that I just teach about the cult to folks.



thank you, and I talk on the twitter most of the time in leiu of a thread here specifically - but I've been asked to talk so I'm talking and if I see Q create a thread for me to talk in then i'll use that or the bread - what am I taking up room people would rather have for porn/larp/flat discussions?



Thank you :) I'm here to answer any questions and I'll be here for a while



I was asked to make it right after the injection - note how Q keeps talking about this place might have an injection. Basically Twitter got cleaned and that's how I got 500+ followers on my old twitter in a few days cause people do want to hear about it - having more problems now - but anyway twitter is sort of fine now.. although that Jack guy on the top seems to be fucked

Anonymous ID: 575f1b June 19, 2018, 3:26 p.m. No.1819539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9589



Well I've been getting more messages on my twitter so I'll go back and try and teach folks there I suppose. If anyone ends up wanting to know anything about the cult I'll be back or they can find me there.

Anonymous ID: 575f1b June 19, 2018, 3:36 p.m. No.1819657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9679


The experimentation on me and the other victims are I'm sure used by people all around the world. They get use out of us. My abuse isn't wholly different from a typical abuse story - the primary difference is both in extremity and entirety - i.e. every single friend, employer, family member around me was in on it and creating situations to abuse and humiliate me until they finally killed me. It's a comedy show for rich assholes.


You may or may not be a victim like me so I hope for your sake you aren't because it means you at least have some people around you who have at some point in your life loved you and not wanted to murder you for profit

Anonymous ID: 575f1b June 19, 2018, 3:40 p.m. No.1819685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9785



oncce i realized that they were all just like me I told them my story and one had a russian interpreter so it was global - and well, sad stories all of them


The similarities were often things like we all wore striped shirts (easy to see on camera) we all had relatives that pissed off the cult (some military victims too that weren't born into it) - other things include a snake story as a child as the cult likes to see what a child will do when approached by a rattlesnake (one was bitten as he was told to pat it on the head by his mother)


another similarity is the differences - we were all different shows so while I had no door for privacy another one was locked in his room - it goes into the experimentation - both for comedy to them and useful in refining how to fuck with people in general

Anonymous ID: 575f1b June 19, 2018, 3:44 p.m. No.1819740   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the cannibal family was from Minnesota, one was from Chicago and I was born in HaHira Georgia. Grew up in Valdosta- - another was from Snake CityNew York and wll i wrote them all down but I've got people i'm talkingto on twitter andhere so if people want more details like that I can get them later. Anyway, we all converged in Colorado because well, that's where the cult wanted us.

Anonymous ID: 575f1b June 19, 2018, 3:52 p.m. No.1819823   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yea that's not something the cult would do. They view themselves or their masters as the snake (I infer) Actually same with spiders. Killing spiders is bad luck or so the cult believes.

Anonymous ID: 575f1b June 19, 2018, 3:55 p.m. No.1819843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9903 >>9908


I am willing to answer questions, I get sort of in a loop if I just explain the basics over and over. There's a lot to it but outside of venting I really need specific questions so that I know what part of the story to tell.


like ADT security is how they handled the cameras that filmed it all - and it was a phone code that let me know that - first result after asking about it here.

Anonymous ID: 575f1b June 19, 2018, 4:04 p.m. No.1819957   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I got on twitter because President Trump and the QBoard asked me to if they want me to work in my own thread they'll make a board title with a clue for me to do so.


There's a ton of threads already and the bad guys would shill up any thread I started. I'm fine doing it this way :) and I have my twitter which can be read from bottom to top if they want a more complete understanding of what I am talking about

Anonymous ID: 575f1b June 19, 2018, 4:09 p.m. No.1820020   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Letter codes, the bad guys communicate with double consonants or specific sets of consonants like AB or AA or MM - like Micheal Moore and well I've gone into that tons on the reddit I made while digging into the codes (before learning I was myself a cult victim)


this entry I did was a rant I made about how the letter system functions to take over companies and legal officies. Check some of my other posts there to see more of the codes I broke down.


Other that letter codes, colors, well, there's also the charades they play like in the Hillary thing that Q brought our attention to - the "deal being made" and my family had a ton of charade deals that were about things like feeding me to alligators for prizes and well it's disturbing


But the important thing to take away from that is they don't ever write anything out or say it overtly - it's a secret - a secret code that keeps them from going to jail because just doing a charades with colors and poses means nothing to those who can't understand why they would do it.