Anonymous ID: 710ce7 June 19, 2018, 3:07 p.m. No.1819290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9476

Crying kids are to distract the public from the IG report


Petition is up to 34,212 sigs. A little over 1/3 of the way there. Sigs are going to slow down so keep pushing. Tweet #IGReport #Unredacted #Maga @potus (suspected that the @potus tag keeps them from being throttled). Pick up any trending hashtags too. We have to make it optically easy to get that 2nd (or even 3rd) version released.


Public sentiment story: I was getting my car worked on today and was in the waiting area with 3 other people; 30s something woman, 40-ish woman, 60+ man. News came on with crying kids. 30 woman said 'do you care if I change that, Im so sick of hearing about it'. The other two said 'no go right ahead' and 'omg I know'. And they proceeded to converse like 'what do they expect IT IS JAIL', and 'This isn't new, we've been doing it for 20 years' and 'I am so sick of hearing about it'.

I dropped some careful red pills in, just enough to keep them talking about crying kids.

They continued: "My kids cry if you look at them wrong', and 'OF COURSE they separate the boys from the girls, what idiots!" I dropped in about the child trafficking, most kids come with people they aren't related to, but mostly I let them talk and nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile 30s something woman is trying to figure out the remote, and find something on tv, and crying kids are on 3 channels. So she says 'Well, here's the kardashians or Rachel ray' and the 60s something man said "ANYTHING IS BETTER THAN THE NEWS.' So we all watched Rachel Ray and talked about hating the news.