Anonymous ID: 7abf0c June 19, 2018, 3:58 p.m. No.1819878   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>>1819286 King Felipe VI visits the WH

>>1819347 All of the "wonderful day" crumbs have to do with ES or Google.

>>1819252 "This is a REAL photo from GETTY" (Pedo Jackson-Lee), >>1819287 (related)

>>1819279 "They fucked up BAD today" (Pedo Jackson-Lee slips up about [RR])

>>1819280 "The Vicious Unforgiving Video That Proves Hillary Clinton is a Raving Psychopath"

>>1819367 Did Peter Strzok get walked out of the FBI for tapping POTUS's phone?

>>1819661 Q post related to the Jackson-Lee ring.

>>1819684 Police looking for crazy yelling bitch on Capitol Hill:

>>1819675 Michigan residents receiving unusual envelopes in the mail, police say

>>1819672 IG doc

>>1819653 Integrity of the office?

>>1819652 On 20 June, the European Parliament will vote on the Copyright Directive.

>>1819642 Q crumbs connects

>>1819702 New EO

>>1819704 Criminal referral request from APRIL for HRC, Comey, Lynch, McCabe, Strzok and Page.

>>1819739 Anon speculates on meaning of picture Q posted

>>1819772 Q Post #1558 DeC

>>1819633 Q posted Wonderful at 16:01

>>1819794 Operation "Broken Heart" took 60 child molesters off the street in Houston

>>1819792 Looks like we have another pair of LOVERS here folks

>>1819846 Engine Fire plane sauce

>>1819855 Chinese made household goods, clothing and foodstuff cause cancer .

>>1819857 #VivaLeResistance from ~2017