Anonymous ID: d26d03 June 19, 2018, 3:41 p.m. No.1819700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9710 >>9711 >>9715 >>9716 >>9719 >>9726 >>9816 >>9924

The plan…..


Trust the plan….


The Plan!


Trust the Plan!






tRUST tHE pLAN!!!!




What the fuck is the fucking plan?


For the love of God, and all that is holy, will an autisticfag please reverse engineer the plan and let us know where we are at?


I'm getting so confused and whipsawed…..


There are enough datapoints by now that the plan should be able to be extrapolated, right?


Reverse engineer this sucker already, please!


Format should be like this:


Executive Summary

Blah Blah go after low levels Blah Blah build meticulous bullet proof cases Blah Blah arrest the bastards Blah Blah, Public executions.


Overriding Principals

Red-pill as many as possible before "mind blowing" everyone

Minimize innocent collateral damage.

Don't be perceived as vindictive.

Blah Blah


Step 1

Lay Groundwork at DOJ and FBI

Blah Blah


Step 2

Remove puppet strings

Blah Blah


Step 3

Remove Command and Control

Blah Blah


Step 4

Roll up from bottom little fish

Blah Blah


Step 5

You are Here….


Step 6


Blah Blah


Step 7




You get the drift.


I just want a plan I can stand behind….


But so far all we've got is "trust me…."