Anonymous ID: f2efee June 19, 2018, 4:01 p.m. No.1819920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9964



US Senator John McCain Receives

2018 Henry A. Kissinger Prize

BERLIN—May 03, 2018—The American Academy in Berlin has awarded the 2018 Henry A.

Kissinger Prize to United States Senator John McCain (R-AZ). The prize was privately bestowed,

and there will be no award ceremony.

The prize, which is awarded annually to a renowned figure in the field of international diplomacy,

recognizes Senator McCain for his principled leadership throughout six decades of public service,

his unwavering political courage, and a persistent ability to rally colleagues to bipartisan solutions

to some of the most difficult challenges facing the United States. On the world stage, Senator

McCain has long advocated for a strong, confident European Union, a robust and committed

NATO, and the steeled continuation of the transatlantic alliance.

The Henry A. Kissinger Prize has been awarded since 2007. It was established to honor a

Founding Chairman of the American Academy in Berlin, former US Secretary of State Henry A.

Kissinger, whose initiatives to create and sustain a stable East-West relationship helped to lay the

foundation for change in Europe, the end of the Cold War, and the unification of Germany.

Previous recipients of the prize are former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt; 41st President of

the United States George H.W. Bush; former President of the Federal Republic of Germany

Richard von Weizsäcker; former New York Mayor and philanthropist Michael R. Bloomberg;

former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl; former US Secretary of State George P. Shultz; founder

of the Munich Security Conference Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist; former US Secretary of State

James A. Baker, III; former President of Italy Giorgio Napolitano and former Federal Foreign

Minister and Vice Chancellor of Germany Hans-Dietrich Genscher; former US Ambassador to

the United Nations Samantha Power; and Germany’s former Federal Minister of Finance

Wolfgang Schäuble.

The American Academy in Berlin was established in 1994 by Ambassador Richard C.

Holbrooke and other distinguished Germans and Americans to foster greater understanding and

dialogue between the United States and Germany. A private, nonprofit, nonpartisan center for

advanced research in a range of academic and cultural fields, the Academy awards semester-long

fellowships to emerging or established scholars, writers, and professionals each year. It also brings

American thought leaders to Berlin for briefer visits for a robust exchange of views between the

peoples of Germany and the United States