The black thing in the foreground seems to be going THROUGH the hole… imagine maybe a cane with a black plastic handle… like the image here… and it's hooked into that plastic hole.
Anyone else seeing it?
The black thing in the foreground seems to be going THROUGH the hole… imagine maybe a cane with a black plastic handle… like the image here… and it's hooked into that plastic hole.
Anyone else seeing it?
Q is always telling us to re-read everything… with each drop, read previous crumbs and all that… maybe we should get back to that instead of debating the pic… maybe we should look for NEW connections since other events unfolded?
I feel like we have all been distracted by the LATEST Q post, and have forgotten about things like the Horowitz hearing today, and other things that were foretold by Q earlier in the month.
KEK, silly me for being all rational 'n shit.
I would laugh so damn hard if it was found to be Michelle…