Fox News website reporting multiple governors ordering NG away from the border. Here we go re: Little Rock/Desegregation and the Nationalization of the NG to enforce Federal Law.
Gotta dig through crumbs and find the NG references from months ago
Has to be a violation of Federal Law, like desegregation orders by SCOTUS
TheOnion? Really?
I swear half the time Q says "These people are stupid" he's referring to us (me included).
Ego post, as my time is growing short…hope you get some inspiration.
We who hold ourselves up for display
and we who dance demons away
We who ambile to hold sway
and we whose sculpting hands mold clay
We whose ambition breeds insight
and we whose knowledge brings new light
We who master self to gain might
decide who is tribute, and who is trite…
and are burned on stakes for fool's delight.
And POTUS ear. We hear it all and we are wise to your comms.