at first I thought she was addressing the anons as deputies, lol, take a listen
DHS Kirstjen Nielsen speech at Sheriff's Association
(forgive name misspels)
Well, Good Morning! Thank you ALWAYS, uh, to our good friend and advocate, Congressman Scalise. We are so thankful for his leadership, uh, and for his continued support - not only of all of you - but of the Department of Homeland Security.
It's such an honor to join you here today. I'm also happy to be joined by some of my DHS leadership team. I believe we have Matt Albins, Director of ERO, uh, Border Secretary Chief Karish and Flexy (?) Deputy Director Fallens in the audience, and I'll talk a bit more about our leaders who are here from our public and engagement office in a bit.
I'd like to thank Sheriff Evanson for his leadership of the Association this past year, and also to congratulate Sheriff Laten on his new position as incoming President. I had the honor of meeting -uh - Sheriff Laten as well as Sheriff Dannels and others last month on a trip to Arizona where I heard directly from you - from the Sheriffs - and from other law enforcement on the challenges of working along the border.
On behalf of DHS, I look forward to our continued partnership with the NSA, our nation's
Sheriffs, and your Executive Director, Jonathan Thompson (?). Jonathan is a good friend to the
Department - he's no stranger to us - he is a great advocate for YOU and a great partner to the
Department of Homeland Security. Thank you for inviting me to speak here today.
So, as Sheriffs, you – I'm going to tell you something you already know – you are a vital part
of our homeland security team. You TRULY ARE ON the front lines, and so it's a privilege to
be here today to have an opportunity to THANK you for the commendable often dangerous job
you do every day.
Sadly, as was just mentioned earlier, we were reminded of that danger with the loss of two
members of the Sheriff family last week. Deputy Sheriff Teresa King and Deputy Sheriff Patrick
Roher as you know, were killed in the line of duty. And I join all of you in mourning the loss of
these dedicated officers. I also want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with the law
enforcement community ALWAYS. I am ALWAYS praying for the job that you do.
Law enforcement is a calling - for a select few who are tireless, faithful, and dogged in executing
their duty to protect their communities from danger and in honoring their oaths to uphold the
law. On behalf of the men and women of DHS THANK YOU for your dedication and your
sacrifice. Please know that DHS is your partner and will be by your side as we protect our
borders, enforce our immigration laws, and defend our communities.
As many of you know, the DHS is the largest law enforcement agency in the country. I am
proud to support all law enforcement, your passion, your mission, your commitment to FIGHT
for what you need to do to protect your communities. I will always support you, you have an
advocate in me, and just as I do for the men and women of DHS, I will carry the banner to get
you the authorities, tools, and resources that you need to do the job that the American people
So, on that point - to a select few in the media, Congress, and the advocacy community - I'd like
to start with a message for you - "this Department will no longer stand by and watch you attack
law enforcement for enforcing the laws passed by Congress. We will not apologize for the job
WE do or for the job law enforcement does - for doing the job that the America people expect us
to do."
Unfortunately, for political gain, as we have seen, some politicians are trying to pit State and Local law enforcement officials against Federal officials. This "blue on blue" approach is a disservice to the public and every law enforcement official around the country and it MUST STOP.