I’m not arguing legal or military strategy. I’m arguing that the disclosure/public “redpilling” piece, which will be necessary to make this all work though public acceptance, has not made any progress. The public has been shown nothing new that will reach them since the election. Trump should be trolling on twitter and in speeches about what crimes Hillary may have been hiding in her email. The issue is not the email, it is why she wanted a private email server in the first place. He should be feeding stories to Hannity to start moving up the ladder blasting child sex crimes. He should start alluding to Soros, the Roth’s. Say something about weird symbols all over the place. Leak video and documents Wikileaks style. There should be enough to leak to wake people up without hurting legal or military ops. Instead we get riddles on Q board that true or not, is frankly not accessible or digestible to the vast majority of the population.
Makes no sense.