it's the most occult targeting imaginable.
to reverse-engineer it we need to understand the full connection between 5g and covax (covid+vax)
they are using covax to cover up effects of 5g
once you see that, you can begin to uncover patterns
anon here broke the story of 5g "inside the building" testing in seattle, probably in the same block as the two medical care centers that were "ground zero" for covid in the usa
anon here broke the story that the country with by far the highest early infection rates (3x italy) san marino was also the first country fully covered by 5g
the biggest spike in covid in wuhan was the day they switched their 5g motorway on
watch for birth deformities
5g will cause these
they will be blamed on covax
they will admit the vaxx disaster
much crocodile tears
it's all a cover for 5g
good luck, there's a huge story there