You know that's off limits anon. He's "The One".
>>18220777 lb
Well, I would venture to say that for as long these two treasonous fucks sat on that Intel Committee that the damage is immeasurable. Unfortunately, we'll find out much later when Xi decides to use what he got from both of these pieces of shit. And let's not forget old Di Fi who's driver was also a chinese plant. Then we have good ole Joe, Hunter, Jim, McConnell and who the fuck knows how many other representatives and senators who are bought and paid for by Xi. Xi happy.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 878872 No.8952254 📁
Apr 28 2020 18:37:32 (EST)
And let's not forget that vile.vulgar, sub human piece of shit Ilian Omar and her fellow traveler friend Tashit Talib who both are degenerate subverts. Any democrat that sat on the intel committee all during this time period should be removed Kevin. They are complicit and as cuplable as they sat there the entire time saying nothing as Adam Schiiff spewed his progaganda year after year after year. Remove all of them. Remove them from any sensitive committee and forthose that participated in the 2 Impachments should be expelled from Congress. "Conduct Unbecoming of a Member of the United States House of Representatives".
IRON FIST Kevin. This is war.