>π or not to π
To be, or not to be, Aye there's the point.
Free the Keystone will free the Bees.
Fresse Judenkasper!
For the ignorant bugs who still haven't understood what's happening to them.
>Du projizierst schon wieder, du dreckige Hakennasenratte!
Du rattengesichtiger Judenvogel bist zu dumm fΓΌr Rabulistik, schickt einen anderen der mehr Grips hat! Ihr minderbemittelten langweilt mich!
>Du bringst nichts zu diesem Gremium,
Watch the water!
Ich bin das Wasser du hirntotes krummnasiges Viech.
Jew are a filthy hooknosed mongrel Jewboi!
>Will they do it from space tho?
(((THEY))) do not have a permission for this area, and will never get one!
>Geh und fick dich selbst, deine Zeit ist fast um.
Right, for you 4-6% inferior brain-dead hooknosed mongrels ww!
>He was shown the truth. Recruited?
No, I kicked him in the balls when he was here. That gave him something to think about!