visual things perhaps reality were put into anons brain one night
would see very graphic scenes with closed eyes that were not understood until the realization they were there and as soon as anon opened eyes it was done
horrible scenes that had no relation to anything ever seen
happened a few times
considered it a gift
horrible gift
Doge shed too
#2 Virus Shedding Is Virus Sharing
Many vaccines given to dogs are modified live virus (MLV) vaccines. MLV vaccines are used because they stimulate cell-mediated immunity better than killed viruses. Examples are distemper, adeovirus-2 (hepatitis, canine respiratory virus), parvovirus, intranasal bordetella, intranasal coronavirus and parainfluenza.
These vaccines can be shed in feces and urine for weeks after vaccination. Studies on dogs vaccinated with CPV-2 parvovirus show that the virus can remain in the blood stream and be shed via feces for as long as three to four weeks after vaccination.
This means these diseases can be spread through vaccination.Think about the dog who gets a bordetella shot a few days before going to stay at a boarding kennel. He’ll be shedding the disease for up to 7 weeks after vaccination … exposing every other dog at the facility to kennel cough.