Anonymous ID: 037a7c June 19, 2018, 7:09 p.m. No.1822501   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Yeah I hope you are right. I still have hope. I just don’t understand the current strategy in not trying to bring the people up to speed through the socials and few msm figures that are on our side. If like you say the shit goes down over a 72 hour period, and the people don’t have any grasp of the big picture, I think it will be very messy. I thought the purpose of this board was to get the info out, but I dont think it does a great job with that when it comes to normal working people who have families to take care of. I just don’t get the strategy when it comes to information blackout still in place after more than 18 months.


And the people here (not all) who are incapable of debating or discussing in a civilized, intelligent way are insufferable, and are the reason the information released here stays here. Echo chambers where debate is banned are useless for advancing knowledge, even if the echoes are the truth.