Anonymous ID: 0998f6 June 19, 2018, 7:11 p.m. No.1822530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2552 >>2571 >>2589 >>2606 >>2639 >>2640 >>2736 >>2914 >>2932 >>2946 >>3045


Of course they know us all.

All the more reason I won't be attending the parade.

I'm not a good person and I'm not worthy of the kindness and sacrifice being laid down by those who can do and give more than I can.

That doesn't mean I won't do my duty and bake every day that I can, however; this is still my country and I love it and you all dearly.

It just means you won't see me at a parade I don't deserve.

That and I can't afford to go in the first place.

Not fishing for pity here, those are just facts that I live with, recognize, and carry on from.

Have a beer for me, Anons.

Will report for duty in the morning.