Anonymous ID: 724cc1 June 19, 2018, 7 p.m. No.1822360   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2432


Yup, I'm glad that President Trump and Q know who we are.


I WOULD TAKE A BULLET FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP & Q. I know they'd take one for all of us and, indeed, they almost have.


What an amazing honor to be able to help in whatever ways we can. It all matters. We've all played a role: Board Owner, MemeFags, RandomChattersWhoGivePeopleGoodIdeas, TwatterFags, Lurkers, PacerFags, ScienceFags, PatentFags, LawFags, Writers, ArchiveFags, SoftwareFags, StayAtHomeMomAndDadFags, UnemployedFags (the numbers of which are at an all-time, historic low), SingleParentFags, WoundedWarriorFags, DisabledFags, DialysisMachineFags, StudentFags, ChurchFags, PrayerWarriorFags, and many, many other fags…. you guys all rock and I'm so proud to be here with you. Thank you, Q, President Trump, all of you guys, and God


Keep fighting and stay safe, because I really love you guys.



Anonymous ID: 724cc1 June 19, 2018, 7:11 p.m. No.1822534   🗄️.is 🔗kun



^^^This^^^ is very true. Have you noticed that they are using the phrase "snatched" now, when talking about the illegal alien children at the border?


That's by design, I believe, so when we break the news if all the children that THEY have snatched the impact of the blows against them will somehow, possibly, be lessened.


I still haven't yet figured out how they plan to lessen the blows that'll hit them after we tell the world that they tortured the snatched children the snatched, sacrificed them on a Satanic altar, harvested their little organs, drank their blood, sliced them open, ate their flesh, and disposed of the tiny, broken bodies on pig farms, in acid, and in shithole hotels like The Standard.


Yeah. . . . For some strange reason I can't quite come up with any ideas on how they're going to ameliorate the impact of THAT news when we break it. . . .

Anonymous ID: 724cc1 June 19, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.1822781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2816 >>2935


God bless you, BakerFag. We would be lost without you. I don't think I can attend any parade, either, but that's okay. I have contributed here as I can, posted some notables, from time to time and even got a (you) from Q once, which made my week.


But equally important is that you guys have been here for me. My dog died one night while we were all online and, because you baked, all you guys helped me through that. Because you baked you guts helped me get through the holidays when I was home, all alone, and crying for my deceased boyfriend and parents.


Because you bake, Baker, we are here, and good is triumphing over evil.


God bless you and thank you, patriot. We love you, you faggot!