A lot of people saying, "it is a spiritual war", but no one thinks about the not visible realm and that it is a spiritual war by all means!
Do you really think they are dying and that they are gone and that´s it? Their body is failing in a time of war! A war, humanity has never seen before in this Magnitude!
Maybe their spirits and souls are needed for much bigger shit than autists can imagine? And if they are dumb enough, took that shit, in repeat and yelled at everything that didn´t take the shit, well.. maybe their free soul is better for realizing what is really going on! Beyond the daily shit!
And I hear all the time, evil rules the world! That is also false! The Brotherhood of Light is in charge! Or how is it to explain, that good things happen and the mass is waking up? No open WWIII, whatever they try! This whole shit here is smoke and mirrors and you are alive, because God thinks that you can do something here, right now!
Either you are helping to wake people up or the bullshit you are putting out will help people to wake other people up!
The ride never ends is not just a phrase!
>Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
The great awakening! Jesus is King! God´s Plan!