Is Declaring a Climate Emergency Enough to Stop Global Warming? Learning From the COVID-19 Pandemic
One of the most important challenges our global civilization faces in the coming years is to achieve the Paris Agreement's goals of preventing the planet's temperature from exceeding the pre-industrial values of 2°C and limiting it, at most, to 1.5°C. Awareness of this problem has led to the creation of many national and international organizations in recent decades,…
Thus, the current practice of declaring a climate emergency must be fortified by making it a legal tool…an international legal tool…legally binding…
The health crisis resulting from COVID-19 has proved that when a population faces a serious and urgent situation affecting its goods and services, many countries have at their disposal powerful instruments…total or partial restriction of mobility and the halting of economic activity, among others…by declaring a state of emergency or through other similar legal instruments.
…a new legal and political framework has emerged, showing us how to intervene more efficiently and forcefully.
without any legal framework able to apply limitation on the days emitting CO2, this goal will not be done. The climatic alarm should provide a legal political frame for the implementation of this restriction.