Roses are red Violets are blue here are some candies for my pepe poo
My sister played Solitare over and over for god knows how long 11000 - 15000 games and then one day she stopped.
Erase it
you are clearly a sensitive man
What the hell is this dear Abby hour
Delta Deep
If we can just link 5G to sudden death that would kill two birds with on throw.
I phones and tixtok
I think a lot of it has to do with age, there is lots to learn too many distractions and it takes time.
If people lived longer we wouldn't be getting into the same trouble over and over.
The federal government owns 53.03 percent of Oregon's total land,
See that's the problem with kids they think pushing buttons makes them better then people using a rotary dialer.
My nephew says he doesn't like classic movies because there old.
That too
Pope’s promise that he could keep the land of any heretics he killed
This time diff we are loaded
WEF Grand Poobah