q, when I;ll torture you, I want you to tell the stars how happy you are, even you'll not be that happy.
So we be even.
q, when I;ll torture you, I want you to tell the stars how happy you are, even you'll not be that happy.
So we be even.
And fuck you, and all of you.
You are all evil to me.
So……..take all of you demons that you call angels from my life, for ever and ever.
We trust biden.
Your god punishes good people, and love criminals.
I welcomed you in my life and body, and you entered w/ boots full of sheet and destroyed all the good.
Now you'll got the results.
Got it, scum?!?!
I fuck your love and all of you.
I don't pay for love, garbage.
I don't make a kid and beat and torture him/her in order to love me later.
That it is what psychopaths do.
So, I don't need anything from you, your angels aproaching me, it is the opposite of feeling butterflies in my stomach, when I was in love, and when The night has come, your garbage demons, makes me scared, b/c they do not let me sleep, with , anxiety, panik attacks or brain attacks, your frequency it is evil. I close to a dear and feel love instant, your demons creates me repulsion and angry and many other evil sheet. b/c you're good.
Take your fucking demons, and get of my life, I don't want anything from you.
Your pain and torture to me, my treat. Remain w/ that.
You fucking piece of shit.