Have a nice climate change
I remember one mask fight. Woman put the mask on as soon as I came into her office. I told her she didn't need to do that. She said "I don't know if you are vaccinated? I'm vaccinated. Are you vaccinated against covid?" I said "Fuck NO! In fact I'm gonna have to go on ahead and ask you to put your mask back on and stay at least six feet away because I don't want to catch whatever the fuck they injected you with, JUST IN CASE!" She told me GTFO!
Another one was when I walked into a gas station and the clerk yelled at me "Sir, you can't come in here unless you are wearing a mask." I had forgotten the mask in the car. So I improvised on the spot which I thought was a badass idea that was going to get me through this situation. I put my undershirt over my face like it was a mask and then kept going in. He screamed "Stop! No! That's not a mask. You're not going to trick me." and I fuckin flipped out. "YOU FUCKING IDIOT! HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID! FUCK YOU, YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER! IT'S THE SAME FUCKING THING! ALL I WANT IS TO BUY THE THING!" Everybody in line telling me to go, the teller telling me to GTFO. I took off and never went back there again.
Anyways, have a nice climate change and carry on.
Well it comes from fake news alien Linda Howe. She's been making money off of lies and disinfo since before even I was born. She's into magic and lying for a living. I don't care if she parrots our talking points. I will never accept anything she says because I know who she is and what groups she is associated with.
What a bunch of idiots.