Crimes Against Humanity
>Crimes Against Humanity
At least 2025. Remember many of Q's posts are for a future date, and not when they were actually posted.
That's why it's best not to datefag in the first place.
Putin has that dirt now too, which is why the [DS] is shitting in their pants, trying to start WW3. [They] need a really big distraction, for what is about to come.
It's not under attack, the broke fuck can't afford a decent server is what the problem is.
Grammy kitty doesn't approve.
Always start by making sure his name is spelled correctly.
Start with DC
That one isn't, but there are parody ones that are posted here regularly which are.
RRN shills only purpose is to post their BS here, screencap it, then say "Look, those QAnon nutjobs are believing total crap like this site!"
Sorry shills, but even your A game isn't going to slip past anons.