> Baker-out
Ty, Baker.
> Genocidal assphaggot gets confronted and immediately starts projecting, followed by outbursts of violence and cries for "help" as he strikes out.
How come I'm not surprised?
> Cringe
At least he's having fun. I suppose that's what makes him a Chad.
Fucking legend.
> Where?
Dude, can't you google?
He's in Regensburg.
> Fake-Durham is fake
Yeah, but he's in Regensburg right now. Prolly trying to get some Gina Haskell souvenirs.
Sad part is, I'm pretty sure that Real-Durham is fake too. They're all fake.
> The End
Everyone employed by the government, at any level, goes to prison. Anyone who bore arms for the government against non-combatants gets the gallows.
This means (You) officer deputy agent glownigger.
> Other members of the Cathedral
All of them lose everything, and their family members will likely lose everything too. Everyone gets charged, maybe even stockholders.
Fuck them all.