Reported shill ebake
>i saw this shit and fuggin kek'd hard
New world order is gonna be brought down by a literal niggerfaggot.
>Orbs! Orbs every where!
Anon is still intrigued by a Ghostrider flying directly over Brandon, FL, then drawing a green figure 8.
Hot, but eyes look too crazy.
4x C17s were loitering near the Brandon ghostrider at lower altitude.
Callsigns LUJAC06, 07, 09, and no callsign.
Appear to be headed into Ft. Benning
Empty callsign C17 changed to LUJAC 08, and Ghostrider vectored to follow home to Ft. Benning.
Looks like the show is over.
And, to make it moar spoopy, anon googled LUJAC.
Owned by Charles HUNTER Lusk, with an address on Mockingbird Lane.
Too many coinkydinks to be coinkydink.
In tonight's actionโฆprops to a flying gas can who also made a few trips to Brandon.
>Squawk 2007
And sold his soul to the devil to save his father's life.
Pretty sure .mil is telling the world Hunter spilled all the beans.
Will have to watch that movie.
>Aliens claiming to be the Zetas invaded my life several years ago. They suggested I follow Q. I could write a book about all the stuff they've said and done to me over the course of my life.
Post moar orbs.
Anon is ruled by those orbs.
Planefag watching Ghostrider 2007, same as Ghostrider was squalking
>Jumping Blackhawks
Comms everywhere
Trip trips chekt.
>And you have a whole team doing it. Is that like a fair trial and due process?
Are you talking about the twatter censoring crew?
Mornin', Ralph.
Sammich balances them out.
>Looks like a sign from Jeebuzโฆโฆ..gnite frens.
Good night.
Dayshift has arrived, and it's time to go hide in the bunker.
He's right, ya know.