Beware the Pfiser video. Maybe that guy ain't in charge of shit?
Beware the Pfiser video. Maybe that guy ain't in charge of shit?
Take a break from the fucked up Pfiser video (that guy might not be in charge or research big kahuna.)
Caption contest
what is around scotty's neck?
if it's not dipped in honeysuckle imagine the smell.
hope that weatherstripping is up to snuff. Maybe helps some. Lights still on at least.
Ze Germans?
Remember the Mexicans have the Adobe Brick Air Force.
Oh, myocarditus fuck… it's so Hot.
America has no more Media, Medical, Military, Cops, Judges. A Lawless land of Rotten fuckin men.
I'd stay Far away from the Pfiser Veritas story. There's some stormy fuckery ahead for the Journalist that don't do their homework.
I get it everyone want's to see a pfiser fucking live.
But maybe the retard in the bar isn't the top of Pfiser bioweapons research leadershit team? Maybe someone shoul not have block/lock the door.
what makes you think this. what evidence you have show me.
go ahead promot the story. YOu been warned.
Go ahead and push the pfiser story. I'll have none of it. It's going to taint Judicial watch, senator, and all kind of people. That guy got locked in a bar. Fuckery is about.
Massive troll filtering.
go ahead promote that story. I never said don't I said you been warned there could be fuckery and that kid might be a nobody.
I didn't censor you, but I filtered your shit talking about me.
the Bread BAKER talks about pfizer. I shared what I spent all fucking day learning.
TEAM IDIOT is in paniczone.
but since they don't shut up /filtered
Big Dig Energy is better than Team idiot energy.
Jordon Walker
hmm, smells great to be awake
9 meelion views.
what does the B in BAR stand for?