Anonymous ID: 84773b June 19, 2018, 8:18 p.m. No.1823873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3909

Laura Ingram is getting severe backlash about her summer camp remark about child immigrant detention. Have any of these celebrities thought about the fact that these kids are at least getting three hots and a cot in a safe environment instead of wandering around the desert abandoned by their coyote? Or packed like sardines in a hot semi driving across the desert in the daytime sun? Or molested by their peers or gang members? The kids are probably better fed and clothed and sheltered now than in any prior point in their lives! They're getting medical care, English lessons (I've heard but can't confirm), and entertainment to boot. If they were with their parents, the kids would still be in danger from fellow adult inmates seeking an easy way to molest them! (And/or to extort the last money their parents have). That is, assuming that their parents actually are with them. Once they get into an American school, they'll still face cafeteria lines, ID checks, metal detectors, armed guards, chain link fences around their recreation areas, and HVAC that never quite satisfies everyone.


Kids are really resilient. They'll blossom in the long run, whether they stay in the US or return to their home country. Every challenge they face develops their character and makes them stronger. I know these thoughts fly in the face of the social justice warrior ethic, but the SJWs and snowflakes need to grow up also.


Heckuva a welcome to America! And, yes, I am a parent.

Anonymous ID: 84773b June 19, 2018, 8:52 p.m. No.1824417   🗄️.is 🔗kun



My kid heard the soundtrack of a supposed immigrant child crying "Mommy" and asked me how the kid knew English? The site below says, "... the picture was actually taken during a June 10 protest against White House immigration policies at Dallas City Hall, as first reported by fact-checking site Snopes."