Donald Trump Unveils Plans to ‘Save
American Education’ from ‘Radical-Left Maniacs’
Breitbart Politics, by Nick Gilbertson
Posted By: Imright, 1/27/2023 7:50:56 PM
Former President Donald J. Trump on Thursday detailed his comprehensive education policy platform which aims to “restore power to American parents.” It includes plans to cut funding to schools and programs that push radical left-wing ideologies like “Critical Race Theory and gender ideology,” and keeping boys out girls’ sports. Trump unveiled his “plan to save American education” by noting that “[o]ur public schools have been taken over by the radical left maniacs.” (Tweet/Video) First and foremost, Trump pledged to “cut federal funding for any school or program pushing critical race theory, gender ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content onto our children” and noted that he would direct