It has to be him, probably with Kushner. I think they both did a lot of the cyber work during the election. Old guys couldn't do it.
It has to be him, probably with Kushner. I think they both did a lot of the cyber work during the election. Old guys couldn't do it.
Trump better come through on Iran. I've told a lot of people Iran was next.
You are probably right that he posts sometimes. I definitely think he oversees it all. But I think he probably outsources a lot of it to Miller and/or Kushner, and then just approves the posts. He probably doesn't have time to write them all himself.
It does seem like he is getting a little bolder with proofs and such. I have gone back and forth for a long time believing it and not, but there sure is a lot of circumstantial evidence that he is legit. I get frustrated a lot with how things progress sometimes, but this increased boldness is hopefully leading to something soon.