Mad props to these loving patriots.
Oh yes, usually it marks the time of Ashtar's fleet relieving the Pleiadian fleet as Earth's guardians. But that's old info. Space force will take this matter back into our hands for the first time since the fall of Atlantis.
Dead serious.
See? Ain't so hard.
I'll drop by when I find the time, sounds good!
Ancient sumerians had heavy Pleiadian influence. Many accounts describing sumerian language as theirs.
Here's how to get moar for yourself. (Don't go apesh*t on some things stated here - those are just general guidelines to increase spiritual vibrations)
I'm not Kabamur but I trust him.
Tons of Pleiadian contactees, Ashtar has contact with that Czech guy who made that website. Problem is, even good sources can go sour due to egof*gging (Billy Meier, COBRA…) or due to project Mockingbird (explains why many people strongly maintain the stance that Ashtar Sheran is a demon). Always trust your own soul, with enough Light you will be able to recognize Light. Godspeed.
I'm keeping my mind open on this. Looks like a missile but also doesn't in some ways. P.s. anons said it was a missile, not Q.
G'night anons. Read Q+ and don't worry abour tinnitus. May the Pleiadians appear in your dreams.