Anonymous ID: 147af9 Jan. 27, 2018, 1:27 p.m. No.182702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2758

someone posted in the last bread about the titanic and that it eventually led to the mega-corps owning the Great Plains. Reminded me of the title of the book- "Night Came to the Farms of the Great Plains"


For those of you who are not familiar with farming or farm culture, or how things used to be done, farms have the capability to be far more productive than they are today. One recent example I can use is the grand champion corn producer, which is over 500 bushels an acre.


The average corn production is around 150-200 bushels an acre depending on where you look.


If you research the works of Albrecht, Kinsey, Andersen and others, you will find stories of incredibly high production numbers. However, those numbers can't be sustained over the long run by farmers on 1000's of acres. If the land was broken back up into 80-240 acre sections per farm family, production would skyrocket per acre.


We have the technology and the ability today to restore the family farmer to the Great Plains, make the farmer immensely rich doing it, and feed the whole world at the same time. Why aren't we doing it yet?


All roads lead to the same intersection. Because they want control and they want us DEAD.

Anonymous ID: 147af9 Jan. 27, 2018, 1:33 p.m. No.182791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2810 >>2884 >>2894

How many people here think that the Eagles are going to win the Super Bowl? I think it's already fixed for the Eagles.


If you are a fan, watch the game very closely. I bet there's going to be a few corrupt referees that will make calls that will most definitely affect the outcome of the game.


The reason is- the Eagles Lodge of which the elite are all members of, are fighting against, the general population, which is the Patriots, who are you and me.


There is also a bet out for 8 million that confirms my suspicion. Would you bet 8 million on something you knew for sure would happen?


Just like we've learned in today's thread, Hollywood is a tool of the Clowns/Elite to keep everyone distracted and to feed them their version of the story. Remember, the victors always write the history.

Anonymous ID: 147af9 Jan. 27, 2018, 1:39 p.m. No.182876   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Smaller tractors OR horses are both cheaper. Stephen Leslie wrote in his book that the majority of farms will be horse powered in 40 years or less. The answer isn't bigger farms and bigger equipment… the answer is smaller farms, smaller equipment, smarter marketing and the destruction of the Farm Bill.


Before you go off on me about the Farm Bill, look at what happened in New Zealand and their farm bill there. Some farmers went bankrupt but by and large everyone was fine and they now have a thriving ag industry.


Crop rotation can't be corn/beans. It needs to be the old ways… 5 crop rotations maybe even more.


Albrecht/Logan Labs do a comprehensive soil test that is rejected by contemporary agriculturalists who only pay attention to NPK. I talked to a fertilizer dealer who said that "when the lime gets just right the weeds are gone". Umm… if you realized what test to use they'd always be gone.


I assume we're on the same page as far as crop rotation and balanced/mineralized soils.


A farmer should be able to make a decent living on 40 acres and even employ multiple people on 40 acres.

Anonymous ID: 147af9 Jan. 27, 2018, 1:51 p.m. No.183017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3032


I want to ask you a simple question.


Would you meet for 3 hours with your mortal enemy?


Trump and Mueller had a long meeting right before this Russian bullshit came out.


Short and sweet: Mueller is guilty of transporting uranium for Russia. Trump knew that. So Trump had Mueller do this whole prosecution of Trump as a COVER for investigating Hillary. Everything Mueller has ever done ties back to Hillary ( I believe). Trump will be giving Mueller a pardon for his service to Trump, but he will always be known as dirty.


It's quite brilliant actually. Trump has been taking fire for the last several years to cover for a lot of other people that are doing the real dirty work and keeping the MSM noses out of what Trump is actually doing and give them something else to bull shit about. The shithole comment was another one of these times. Another one is Rand Paul, Eye Surgeries in Haiti, Eye on the Ground for Trump in Hati, which will get Hillary in the end.


Let the Witch dance to her Death!


Sun Tzu. The art of WAR!