From: Cheryl Mills
To: Hillary Clinton
Date: 2011-03-13 08:59
She was not as hysterical as she has been on prior conversations, but did at one point say "what are
you going to do when he returns in the company of Danny Glover, Harry Belafonte and maybe me,
mow us all down?"
I thanked her for calling and sharing her views and said that we believed that the interests of the people of Haiti would best be served if they could vote in peace and calm.
The person MW is talking about is Former President Aristide of Haiti…interesting exchange and apparent INTERFERENCE of the State Department and Hussein Admin in Haiti's elections.
See here:
In February 2011, Aristide announced "I will return to Haiti" within days of the ruling Haitian government removing impediments to him receiving his Haitian passport.[74] On 17 March 2011, Aristide departed for Haiti from his exile in South Africa. U.S. president Barack Obama had asked South African president Jacob Zuma to delay Aristide's departure to prevent him from returning to Haiti before a presidential run-off election scheduled for Sunday. Aristide's party was barred from participating in the election, and the U.S. fear his return could be "destabilizing".[75] On Friday, 18 March 2011, he and his spouse arrived at Port-au-Prince Airport, and was greeted by thousands of supporters.[76] He told the crowd waiting at the airport: "The exclusion of Fanmi Lavalas is the exclusion of the Haitian people. In 1804, the Haitian revolution marked the end of slavery. Today, may the Haitian people end exiles and coups d’État, while peacefully moving from social exclusion to inclusion."[6]