eurtwTF@g ID: 3ce8d3 NEW GRAPH, SAME HASHES Jan. 27, 2018, 2:11 p.m. No.183229   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Come and behold new and re-usable hashes graph

>War Room added your IBOR to the list on the empty spot.


Please share the GRAPH and pin to your profile. (It;s the 1st thing ppl c and immediately RT, is MAGIC!)


suggestions/debating tomorrows hashes: starts as of right now in War Room.

pls drop your suggestions on the thread & add a theory why your HASH fits in with the latest Q drops.

looking forward to your suggestions

>We're making a list, checking it twice….

Please share the new graph on ur social media RT RT RT RT . THANKZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


PS: war room fags spend all day on this.. too late for "i dont like it etc" opinions are like asshole: we all have one. LMFAO.