Anonymous ID: 526184 Jan. 27, 2018, 1:48 p.m. No.182993   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2998 >>3019 >>3031 >>3065 >>3106


I just got off a phone call with my blind as fuck dem sister who didn't know Seth Rich was murdered. Missed the last drop while i was walking her through it. This is a person who Trusts CNN, and is one of those that believes only the MSM is safe because its the MIDDLE… I smoke half a pack of cigarettes trying not to yell at her…. She is the poster child for dimwits that believe everything they are fed. the Seth thing though… maybe got through to her. I couldn't believe she hadn't ever even heard his name… I shit ya'll not.

Andy way, DUMB being capitalized makes me thing of the bunkers, but being Deep Underground/State.

What I got from last drop is they are going to come out swinging with something that soulnds very damaging and we need a truthful counter narrative. Not just gut conservative or Loyal for no reason type. they are trying to hammer home the firing Comey obstruction charge. Apparently even asking a question can be twisted into it being a complete action that had to be forcibly stopped to save himself (please read in the sarcasm…

Anonymous ID: 526184 Jan. 27, 2018, 1:54 p.m. No.183063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3083



Yes. G2 was the “Russian” hacker the DNC said “hacked” their servers. Forensic research has proven it was a leak. The supposed “NGP_Van” files were NOT dropped by Wikileaks. They came out of G2 who looks to be an internal/crowdstrike creation to bolster the “russia” narrative.

She is talking about the Danish story that is trying to say they caught the Russian Hackers. We spoke of it earlier here. they are trying VERY VERY VERY hard to press a RUSSIAN narrative again. They keep find ing "new" sources that say they found the Russians, not expecting anyone to remember about V-8. they do not care if it is flimsy and inaccurate, they only care that it sticks in the brains of the masses.

Anonymous ID: 526184 Jan. 27, 2018, 2:04 p.m. No.183156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3232


I sent her off to look at Mr Binney. If she can read for more than three minutes, she might get it. It's weird, because she says she wan'ts all the same things we talk about here, truth in Govt, etc and then goes off into some … other fucking universe of a kool aide drinking lefty and I just shake my head. She doesn't slow down long enough to get a fact or a figure, she is all five second sound bite… parrot shit. the only way I got her to listen was I told her about Seth being a Berner… and betrayed. that made her stop and listen. Jesus H Christ on a crutch.

Anyway, I gather we are going to have a pretty tough fight on our hands next week. We are getting down to some crunch times. The Mueller thing as they get up the food chain. there have been substantial.. (oh side note, my sister believed all the lawyers were republicans!) and if the memo is really finally coming out Thursday then they will battle hard ahead of time to discount or distract.

Anonymous ID: 526184 Jan. 27, 2018, 2:09 p.m. No.183217   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You cannot say things like that to black people. Just like someone attacking your intelligence for believing in Trump because of your complexion. Its a very fine line. The type of people that watch BET are special, deeply indoctrinated into their beliefs… a special kind of special even. Anything about Maxine Waters has to talk about her hypocrisy. Why do you let a woman that lives in a 4.5 million dollar house tell yhou how hard it is to be poor?! When was maxine poor? And if she was, how the fuck did she get so rich on a govt salary? What is WRING with this picture? She makes money off holding you down for those crumbs the democrats are so famously mocking… that kind of thing.

Anonymous ID: 526184 Jan. 27, 2018, 2:17 p.m. No.183302   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Inspiring - and makes me proud of my previous service. I hope I can carry it on here with the same honor and integrity. Also made me nostalgic. Going to get something to eat. Stay safe, anons. We can do this. I know we can.