MEME ANONS, MAN YOUR STATIONS. We need to counter MW before she gives her post-SOTU bs statements.
We need memes anticipating MW trying to stir up racial shit, etc.
MEME ANONS, MAN YOUR STATIONS. We need to counter MW before she gives her post-SOTU bs statements.
We need memes anticipating MW trying to stir up racial shit, etc.
What about a series of MEME COUNTDOWNS to MW's BS post-SOTU response, anticipating RUSSIA, TRUMP'S A RACIST, ??? AND OTHER BS?
What about a meme series w/ Johnny Carson/Kreskin predicting MW will give a BS post-SOTU response re. Russia, Mueller, Race, etc.??
MEME a possible false flag to divert the world from POTUS' powerful SOTU