They're the same one picture.
Merck manual of diagnosis & therapy 19th edition
Jun 2021 | Modified Sep 2022
Viruses are the smallest parasites, typically ranging from 0.02 to 0.3 micrometer, although several very large viruses up to 1 micrometer long (megavirus, pandoravirus) have recently been discovered. Viruses depend completely on cells (bacterial, plant, or animal) to reproduce.,on%20cells%20%28bacterial%2C%20plant%2C%20or%20animal%29%20to%20reproduce.
>Proud of what we’ve gotten done together, @VP.
"We're laughing just waitin to be memed."
What a fuck fest …
The Great O
>Noticed the size of hamburgers and French fries noticeably smaller.
Anon has noticed the lack of quality in products as far as taste and even packaging since mid 2022.