So it will force White people to date each other? This fights racism how??
Like being a Spy in enemy territory?/ He got this
Is that his High School Musical GF?
So I have been watching Motherland Fort Salem and I am a little torn. It is about Witches in the US Army and using their powers to fight other Witches. It is VERY Patriotic towards The United States but not The Constitution. The witched take The Oath but it is to Sup[port and Defend The Country , not Constitution. I am watching because I heard there was lots of disclosure in this because it is Based on The Vrill and how The Nazis used them and it is through the Vrill Witches that they were able to colonize Antarctica and power the Nazi NachtWaffen, The Dark Fleet. I have been coming to terms with My Idea of the United States may have been wrong and if it was founded on Freemasonry that may have actually been Satanic ALL Along. Or Maybe Satanist Infiltrated the Lodge in the 1800's with Albert Pike, I still don't know for sure. My own experiences of Channeling my higher self and helping others do the same has Proven to me there are things beyond we have no Idea about and WE ARE CREATED IN GODS IMAGE , Jesus was telling us. WE CAN DO MIRACLES so the idea of people harnessing this unseen energy rings true to me. I am Half Japanese and they too are in the Dark Fleet, yes they got Bombed but their Economy was crushing it post WW2 so did they Really Lose? IDK. Interesting Show anyway, Even though I see the Chinese propaganda in it. Many Top ranking "Officers" are Black and Chinese, when they should be Native American Indian because those people had the connection to God and Source and that is why they had to get massacred. If they were in this show it would only further show the injustice towards them. If your Faith is good you should be able to watch their shows and see what is and what isn't good in them. Help others see what they don't. Talking to people about breakaway Nazi Vrill Dark Fleet is pretty out there.