Thanks Baker
Pfizer gets the hammer over and over again.
Wake up time for normies.
The funniest part of this sick individual's post is that she's right. The racists that run the Dem Party and the RINOS ordered the hit. What she is clueless about is that she is voting the racists into power every time she votes and the is being a racist against her own race at [their] direction. That's how fucked up these drones are.
Or let the psychopaths that control the world kill 6 Billion +. This is a war in case you didn't pick up on it. WWIII has already begun and the Vaccine is a 50 caliber machine gun.
Look at Pennsylvania. A major police drug / sex / human trafficking ring has just been exposed. Free Masons are getting their asses handed to them. The walls are closing in.
Freeing humanity is about putting in a plan that is far different than normal warfare. President Trump is the best counter insurgent planner this realm has ever seen.
This is huge if true. The tide is turning.
The United States Postal Service shipping drugs all over the country for Law Enforcement drug trafficking. Now do you see why the USPS got a pass on the forced vaccine and was an integral part of the 2020/2022 election cheats?
USPS - going postal in the 90's? Excuse for wholesale changing out USPS management with drug traffickers and finance criminals?
Trump is beginning his 2024 campaign 10 months early. Reconcile.
>Trump has still not conceded the 2020 election he tells people every time he opens his mouth the election was stolen
This anon will say outright - there's something that ain't right about Gaetz but Trump finds him useful so I'm going with Trump on the situation. Would I ever vote for Gaetz? No. Will I cheer for Gaetz while Trump squeezes every drop of ability he can out of him? Yes.
Trump is letting LGBT destroy itself.
I'm no longer worried about the perverts.
Trump (Alliance) has a plan.
Schiff DOESN'T CARE about getting kicked off the Intel Committee. His HANDLERS (Soros, Royal Family, Rothschilds, EU, Big Pharma, Israel) do.
You know what would be funny as hell? For the press releases of the recently executed to 'die suddenly' from heart attack. That would be FUNNY AS HELL, to use the traitor's executions for the great awakening.
Love this meme. Does anybody have the full size? o7
The only problem I had with Trump was the gay marriage / lgbt mess. Over time I've come to conclude that Trump is making sure the crazy psychopaths (perverts) that want to blow up the world if they don't win are mainly homo / trans (by design). Trump has to keep them on the sidelines by coddling them and their delusions.
I'm ok with Trump now. Trump is way out ahead of the nutcases. Saving America is a complicated business.
When the DEMOCRATS and RINOS demand arrests and executions. America will unite.
>Fauci is living on borrowed time.
Trump the anointed.
Trump seen praying with South Carolina restaurant employee during campaign stop
Just so we're clear - Adam Schiff is Jonathan Pollard on elephant steroids. Israel and China sit in on every briefing Adam Schiff does. [They] know what he knows real time.
The House is blinding the Senate on investigations with Schiff gone. You know what Kevin is working on now? Ferreting out and finding the spies. Kevin is working for the master now. The first task is plugging the leaks.
Kevin is total Team Trump.
Trump is the House Speaker by proxy. Trump did what Patriots wanted, he just did it in a more flexible process so he could run the House and also concentrate on other things.
Anointments are important.
Cincinnati is the SB winner. Big need for RINO Ohio to stay in Mafia hands. Chicago economy driven by Ohio manufacturing. U R right anon. Super Bowl is used as a tool to generate create social objectives in war against the US Constitution.
This anon is going to blab about Trump all week long. Trump stood and delivered for Christians in a big way. Trump is keeping the Trump Train together and on schedule. That fucker is makin' shit happen big time.
Digital Information Warfare occurring on QR as we speak. Spot on analysis anon.