week 1 to month 2. the perfect concussion device aka. cell get the joke.fon.into the abyss.
orbs and eggs.wake me up when it real.
irl. spent 9hrs dodging seniors. blue balled suburban teletubby families in expensive leased cars,from the suburbs, seniors, new canadian friends. end of month rush..snowy chaos. half the tars should take the booster.it is a safe and effective.
10% masked. decompression from exposure the the level of tards. blissfully struggling. to buy a loaded metal cart of pepsi and oreos. the absolute state of muh city,province, county. not sure if after being here so long the missing is to pray the fucking triple and quadruple vaxxed should live or ded. trust the extremely long plan.
what's the look in his face chink squeze eyed and grimace.
naked is highly overrated.
legend. rockstar. very American.
wish that the walk video mp3. is posted with the 9ft stride entity tall as fuck and bald secret service ET outrides10 ordinary men in the last few frames.
ask the ai thingy on mockingbird talking points. narrative parroting the masses to ask a truthful old time rubber gum shoe question. reporter would. the newsos us noaw. noaw ai makes fake news refute itself.