Don’t get all Woody Allen on us, anon.
Yeah, this one just suggests that he had a career in gay porn when he should have been attending lectures.
It’s the real Qclock
But, muh sharks…
Be careful how many redheads you select, anon. Remember, there’s only one of you and they’ll quickly make Hal seem like R2D2.
Sheriff Lombardo is really working hard for your votes, Las Vegas
Counter-intelligence is exactly where Clowns would place an infiltrator; so almost certainly he’s a plant within the Fibbers. Background located is sketchy, but clever bastard in MIL always a potential Clown recruit, especially if morally ambivalent.
Indeed he did. While I was traveling and not voting.
And with ~ 75% of the vote.
Poor fucking slaughtered lambs.
“Vegas Strong.” “Muh Hero.”
Galactically good
Frequently closer to truth than any parody account ought to be…
KEK squared
Ran out of shillings for the shilling would be my supposition.
The interwebs is really weird. Who, apart from this motley anon collection of social misfits, has the courage of their convictions? Most interlopers slide in and slide out. Nothing they do really matters to them.
Tranny Nanny
“On June 19, 2018, as the battle for liberty intensified, it was double dubs checked. And when the mighty Q posted a pic of POTUS’ ear, the chan forgot all about the Paki couch faggot who had so preoccupied them for the preceding 72 hours. But moment by moment the anons knew that all the victory was belong to them.”
Ah, how wise you are.