Anonymous ID: ba242e June 19, 2018, 10:24 p.m. No.1825473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5491 >>5496 >>5519 >>5531 >>5536 >>5537 >>5545 >>5609 >>5688 >>5726 >>5896 >>5925

You guys ready to be completely mind BLOWN! I can EXPLAIN it all. Ok so the whole Peter Strzok Lisa page. They aren’t real. They never were. They were fictitious names for 2 drop boxes. The green on is Peter. The Blue. Lisa. Now we see how many agents there are on this. They all feed info into these drop boxes and it sorts out due to narrative shifts, keeps everything relevant, people on inside managing

So where did they come from. They were devised using the Demon Face Recognition Software that was designed in the 90’s by Starnet Communications AND………….Stephen Paddock. Yes. THAT Paddock. So now we get back to the present day. Did you notice anything odd about today? Q dropped about Viva and Vive. Viva. French. Vive…..little searching and BOOM. It’s a members only mobile VIDEO chat community! So Q acquired one of these video phones they have been using and sends out a message that Hey….um Friday we are gonna Fire Rosenstein. Lets see who takes the bait. Oh well we have a winner! Shelia Jackson Lee! BOOM. Notice how no one else knew? She’s caught. Now to have complete verification, Gowdy and Horowitz start their chat back and forth. Horowitz gives an example like messages. Gowdy chuckles. THEY ARE SCREWED. So Gowdy turns to Wray and asks him if he can make arrests using circumstantial evidence. Wray says Yes. Gowdy says well i think we should do that. They know who is all in on this.its a video chat! AND JUST to tickle our fancy……the SAME pics that Q is dropping are being taken from the SAME VIDEO PHONE that they used to out Jackson lee! That’s why its a reverse and grainy photo. It’s not meant for pictures. It’s for VIDEO!!!!!

THEY HAVE IT ALL. No Strzok. No page

Facial recognition software says 97% same MADE UP person!


Oh and BOOM

Anonymous ID: ba242e June 19, 2018, 10:44 p.m. No.1825652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5664 >>5679


Who is Peter Strzok




4 Dec 2017 - 7:01:07 PM

Have you been watching the news since Friday?

Who is Peter Strzok?

How was he compromised?

How was he paid?

Who is Melissa Hodgman?



Date of promotion?

Focus on the date.

What events re: Peter recently occurred that you now know?

Think HRC emails, Weiner laptop, etc.


Date of promotion of wife?

How do they stack the deck?

Who do they want inside the gov't?

What are puppets?

How do you control a puppet?

#2 in FBI?

Wife connection?

What is a pattern?

Follow the wives.

Keep watching the news this week.

Future proves past.

Re-read crumbs.


How many D's / R's will not seek re-election?


What just passed in the Senate?


Who is their new handler?

Do as told?

Why is this relevant?

Do you not understand the gov't is being gutted publicly?

Bottom middle top.

Hussein Iran connection.

Bombs away.

Merry Christmas.


Anonymous ID: ba242e June 19, 2018, 11:36 p.m. No.1825989   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Abrogate the secret Greada & Tau9 Treaties and end the Pedocriminal matrix on Earth

US President Donald J. Trump's comfort level with abrogating international treaties makes him the perfect person to end the horror of child sex abuse and human trafficking that is haunting the globe.

After cancelling US participation in the TPP and the Paris Climate Change Protocols, our new president has an opportunity to terminate the pedocriminal networks that currently dominate many governmental and religious institutions.

Those familiar with the secret Greada Treaty of 1954 that President Eisenhower signed with the Draco reptilians and Orion Greys are probably also aware that it has been violated and abused by the ET participants and pedocriminal humans who have used its provisions to create a world-wide network of pedocriminals embedded in the highest echelons of power.

This tragedy can be constrained and hopefully ended if President Trump keeps his repeated promises to deal with child sex trafficking and other abuses of children that he made during the campaign and recently.

Both the 1954 Greada Treaty and the Tau-9 Treaty signed by President George H.W. Bush have resulted in massive criminal violations by various ET groups and pedocriminal human networks in a scandal that saturates major governments, the media and the Catholic Church.

The recent Pedogate scandals highlighted this situation along with the continued spotlighting of abuse by priests, educators, coaches, and the entertainment industry.

To the extent that these treacherous misdeeds by ETs and pedocriminal human networks have flowed out of the abuse of these two treaties, we call upon President Trump to step up boldly and abrogate them.


Abrogate This! End Pedocriminal Matrix & Remove ET Truth Embargo


Doing so now with the appropriate publicity and fanfare will not only help end the tragedy of child sex abuse, it will also serve as a major baby-step towards removing the ET Truth Embargo that has prevented Disclosure of their presence on Earth.

In a major victory for all humanity, we invite the President to "Abrogate This!" by terminating the treaties and simultaneously promulgating Disclosure.

Sign this Petition to the US President now to abrogate these Treaties and end the Pedocriminal horror on Earth.

Thank you.