Anonymous ID: fd4276 June 19, 2018, 10:34 p.m. No.1825564   🗄️.is 🔗kun


they have been screaming real loud about the border children as a distraction( and to try and hurt Trump)

I guess Rachael Maddow cried tonight about babies being seperated.

The media and celebs are going nuts over the issue.

Anonymous ID: fd4276 June 19, 2018, 11:33 p.m. No.1825969   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6033


on that subject. Recently there was a story that some of the Pharaohs had european blood.




Before that, last Nov we were researching Switzerland and pharoah bloodlines.


My theory is some pagans/druids of europe migrated to Egypt, found people they could manipulate/ control and larger numbers.


Then when things went bad,, droughts, etc. some of the pharoahs family migrated back home.

That is their original bloodline connections.


I noticed their religion/cult is a mix of pagen/druid/egyptian/satantic/luciferian/witch/wiccan, all mixed together.


The templers( cabal members) founded Switzerland in 1291.

Switzerland is full of their cult symbols, and home to CERN, Gotthard tunnel, DNA ancestry/research, home of Red Cross.( They are only neutral country, so they benefit from every war) they guard the vatican, Banking, (swiss bank accounts)( home of Krampus the devil goat that scares and eats children, ( they love him) etc.

They have a 500 year old statue in Bern Switzerland of a man eating babies.


When the Pharoahs came back to Europe, they took control, royal familys.


( These people always have to be at the top of the pyramid)


This guy has some great videos, full of good information about their symbols, and connections to templers and european royal families.He talks about them being of the Pharoah bloodlines.

My part of theory was they came from europe went to egypt and then came back.

This guy lays out the part of them coming back.




A good example of their mix of religion is the druid witch sticks they carry in Gotthard tunnel opening ceromony.



Full Bizarre, Demonic Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony, Satanic, New World Order, Illuminati Ritual


Anonymous ID: fd4276 June 19, 2018, 11:53 p.m. No.1826074   🗄️.is 🔗kun

it finally dawned on me who the Muh dick shill reminds me of.


The annoying guy yelling jackass in happy gilmore, always trying to fuck with his game, kek