Can’t say i’ve ever had an interest in crossword puzzle, nor even being a skilled/leaned “anon”… but it kinda creeps me out that i know all those.
How many people will have to turn inside out to even consider that Putin might be courageously heroic to try and face-down the DS and it’s Ukraine bio-munitions history along with the lies of the US Potatus????
How does one even ask a mother if she will even consider now after the fact…. if her Faith in the injections could somehow be related to the autism or death of their own child???
Horrific either way. Ignoring OR confronting.
Tried to buy a car yesterday, the thing in a face diaper had no idea he lost the sale as so as he walk up to me.
His confidence and condescending arrogance seemed impervious. I didn’t feel like spending the precious energy.
Rottenness by way of fake elections?
Same thing, i just worded it a little differently.
(Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of rotten “republicans” that also make their way via fake elections too)
I think of all the other kinds of endeavors that could completely supplant the sick Pharma labs and their advertising money.