Anonymous ID: 029916 June 20, 2018, 12:57 a.m. No.1826439   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Twatter lefties outdoing themselves over this border narrative:


>"Employee quits job at for-profit child prison camp after being told to order three siblings not to hug each other."



Anonymous ID: 029916 June 20, 2018, 1:30 a.m. No.1826651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6686


Important question. They're everywhere. When they swarm, knowing how to spot them is like having bug repellent in mosquito country.


>Observation and Study

That's the short answer. Top of every bread >>1730603 gives a longer answer about what qualities to look for. To sum up, real anons have 2 qualities shills lack: a) HUMOR, especially in memes and b) CONTENT, especially new and relevant that other anons find interesting.


To really figure out shills, though, you need to look at all an anon's posts in a bread by tracking their ID. If there is a large post count next to it (#), high teens or above, it could be a shill. To read all their posts, select the text of the 6-digit ID on a post, then use the CTRL-F function in the bottom left corner to scroll through the rest of their posts that bread.


Hope that helps. Welcome to the fight newfag.

Anonymous ID: 029916 June 20, 2018, 1:47 a.m. No.1826767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6780


Worked with many Persian (Iranian) scientists as pharmafag, one very closely on a Defense project years ago. He escaped as a student when the Shah was taken down, said it was madness, that the Iranian people didn't see it coming at all, this fundamentalist religion taking their country by force. He also said that a lot of the firing up of rabid leftists here reminded him of that time, frightened him.


The Iranian culture is very ancient, and proud with good reason. American Persians have been working to free their people and the world from the cabal for a long time. They too envision restoring the greatness of their country and people once the corrupt leaders oppressing them are removed. On the day Iran is finally freed, I will drink a toast to my old friend, and make chickpea cookies (a standard at Iranian New Year which he shared with our group one year) in their honor. Thanks to Q, POTUS, anons and patriots for making all this possible.

Anonymous ID: 029916 June 20, 2018, 2:07 a.m. No.1826885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6900



>bacteria feces, that's a thing?

Kek. Not exactly. It is standard in biotech to use recombinant DNA technology to "transform" bacteria into little protein factories of made-to-order proteins. Method of capture is usually to grow huge vats of the bugs, then kill them and purify out the protein. Aspartame is evil because it's a neurotoxin, the "bacteria poop" step is just incidental.