Wuddya git when you shave the head of a Dick?
You get Zac Petkanas, but of course.
Wuddya git when you shave the head of a Dick?
You get Zac Petkanas, but of course.
The circled phone is a Cisco phone, the round circle on it is not a lens. I've used these phone numerous times.
The screen on the phone doesn't appear to be on a photo taking app. The screen is too white. You follow?
This just got me thinking. He says it's fun to watch on the SATs / spy comms, I'm guessing the Trump admin has turned the tables on the Obama JV squad in that, they have their own FISA warrant, which is completely legit because of things like the Uranium 1 deal, and the many other things they've done, Iran for instance. You see where I'm going with this? Obama & the gang have no clue. Just speculating here.