Anonymous ID: 1396c2 Jan. 31, 2023, 8:04 p.m. No.18263011   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The jewish religions are being used by the banksters as useful, greedy and ideological dogma to be victims and oppressed by Rome and the elite families.

Anon did not say specifically the jewish people, anon saidISRAEL

The trigger for this subject is so strong that it evokes an immediate response.

Not all jewish people, those who pretend to be jewish including Ashkenazi Jews who are actually the intellectually the masters of perceptions and narrative forming propaganda and control the highest positions.

Anon wonders if the Jewish brainwashing will ever be broken, they are the most vaxxed and brainwashed of all the religious groups.

Each country must fix its problems but countries are just prisons, right now the term citizen is being weaponized to get people to sacrifice its own people.

The best model would be nations but that has been corrupted.

Statism is a very strong control mechanism.

Anon wonders if the spell will ever be broken.

That does not mean open borders, but it also does not mean prison nations or colonies.

Natural law is Gods law.