I disagree
I think that they are all
Needing leveled
What's in dem Cheerios
Always remember
Do not go to a battle of wits …unarmed
Well shit
Guess the old saying
What goes up…..
Flaming metal things
Be raining down next…..thats great
You tube
ITM Trading
I know they are a gold dealer
But they are the easiest to understand
Lynette is the best
If everything is supposedly
Running off of satillites
Like they say…why they still runnin fiber
I know if you damage fiber
They will come
Just an observation
Will have to look at satillites
But my guess
Would be ….the same ones that
Showed up
When we accidentally cut their shit
That was not supposed to be in that location
Lots of black SUV s
For once blueprints having errors
Saved my ass
Point blank
If you dont hold it
You dont own it
Any paper contract is just that a paper contract ….an ..IOU. Much like the worthless paper..
Sadly was just thinkin same as anons
Little more than pitchforks but yea
Dracula is a documentary