milkers to the max, too many mammaries for machines to manage.
i got a whole folder of spiderman… lol
I may… just don't want to get too annoying with them… like the mh.dik bot or the guy back on the storm with the g.washington in a dodge that would ban people.
I figured it was MKultra'd
Where you been, Johnny come lately?
That's been where they were headed ever since they gave up their guns. though i'd have to check to see when that was exactly.
did my spidermeme kill it?
dare I dream a dream?
I took it as a [1] marker…
remember the defcon [1] debacle back around new years? searching for the [15] [10] etc?
Couldn't help it…kek
I really shouldn't be giving it the (you)'s….
1b5df6 (15) No.1827236
bots cant handle the spidey… kek.
Says… Mr. Trigger D. McPottymouth…
Who programs these shitty things?
They literally can't stand up to our fuckery and memetics…
Fuckin Jalopies…
my targeted shill bot is still here, but I'm gonna have to leave it to the next anon to meme him to death.
SpideyAnon - Out!!